Armed With Health Blog

Mini Meditations



“I move through life with grace and ease, and time expands to meet my needs.” A wise acquaintance once relayed that mantra—and it holds special significance in today’s fast-paced world. It may feel like you spend your days running from Point A to Point B with not a spare minute to breathe, but a study out of the University of Pennsylvania shows that carving out a mere 12 minutes a day to do just that—intentionally breathe—can go a long way toward improving your mood. In addition, meditating can help you get better quality sleep, show more kindness towards others, and reduce inflammation.

Here are a series of mini-meditations you can call on throughout your day when you’re feeling frazzled and need to find your center.


Morning Ritual, Morning Pages

Morning Pages

How do you start your day? Are you ready to take it on with vigor and clarity, or are you mired in a barrage of thoughts that sidetrack you from your task at hand or bigger vision? If the latter rings true, here’s a routine that allows you to easily access your most creative, clear-headed self.

Morning Mind = Malleable Mind

During that dim time at dawn before you are fully awake, you have a special window into your unconscious mind. Working with that mysterious and powerful part of your mind can help you achieve deep transformation in your life.  One tool to put on this path is a daily journaling exercise called Morning Pages.


Kids in the Kitchen

Kids in the Kitchen

Allowing your kids to help out with meal preparation benefits both you and your children. It gives you an opportunity to teach them about the benefits of healthy eating, while at the same time spending quality time with them (and putting them to work!). By preparing simple snacks and helping out with meal prep, your children gain exposure to healthy food at a young age, something invaluable they will take into their adult lives.

Let’s Get Cooking!

Before you start teaching your kids how to cook, it’s important to go over some ground rules: READ MORE>>>

Greening Your Diet

Greening Your Diet


One of the most important things you can do today to improve your health and boost your energy is eat leafy greens. This simple act has powerful implications.

In his book, Integrative Nutrition, author Joshua Rosenthal describes it this way: “Greens help build our internal rainforest and strengthen our circulatory and respiratory system.” He goes on to say that the color green aligns with spring, “a time of renewal, refreshment, and vital energy.”

Indeed, the list of beneficial properties offered by greens is long and includes everything from improving circulation and liver function to strengthening the immune system, clearing congestion, and promoting healthy gut flora





Testimonial from a friend who has diabetes and tried doTERRA’s coriander essential oil to help regulate his blood glucose levels. While taking the coriander oil, he saw his numbers drop to levels he hasn’t seen in a long time. He decided to stop the coriander to see what would happen. His blood glucose numbers shot back up. He said he is starting back on the coriander essential oil tomorrow. One more reason I love doTERRA oils!

Interested in learning more?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Sleep Apnea Awareness Day

Girl in Blue Bed


Today is Sleep Apnea Awareness Day.

How is the quality/quantity of your sleep? Do you find yourself irritable and tired during the day? Maybe even wake up gasping for breath at night? Sleep Apnea is very real and affects many more people than you may realize. 3 out of 4 people in my immediate family (my husband, myself, and our 10-year-old son) have it and use CPAP/APAP machines. A CPAP machine provides continuous positive airway pressure, and an APAP automatically adjusts pressure as needed.




Is there a good deed you can do today? Help make our world a brighter place.

Sadie & Dasie

Everyone should do one nice thing for someone else in this time of darkness.

View original post

Master Mindful Eating

child eating

How many times have you wolfed down a meal so quickly your body barely registers that you even ate? It’s a sad consequence of our fast-paced society, but you don’t have to be a Zen master to learn the art of eating consciously, which carries the happy side effect of losing weight.

One mindful practice that can help you get a handle on emotional eating is to ask yourself what you’re really hungry for in the moment you are blindly grabbing for something salty or sweet. Are you bored? Lonely? Feeling overwhelmed? At this point is it just a habit? By shedding light on the real reason you’re snacking, you can begin to unravel the underlying cause of your hunger and take steps to find true fulfillment—outside of food.


Find Relief

doterra April Special

Have you been considering adding doTERRA Essential Oils to your healthcare arsenal?

April is here, and doTERRA is offering a HUGE promotion for their anniversary. When you place an order of at least 200 PV during the month of April, you will earn a FREE DeepBlue Rub and a FREE Deep Blue 10ml Roll On. This is over $124 retail value in FREE products. This promotion counts for standard orders, retail orders and new enrollments. So basically EVERYONE gets this offer if they want it!

Also in the month of April, the free product of the month is a 5ml bottle of DigestZen (order has to be processed before April 15th to get the free DigestZen)! Digestzen literally stops nausea, heartburn stomach aches and gas pains in its tracks.

Bottom line: if you’ve been on the fence about doTERRA now is a great time to get safer, cheaper, more EFFECTIVE health care for your family.

Email me at for more information or if you would like to take advantage of this offer.


Stealth Health: Raw Foods Undercover

Stealth Health_Raw Foods Undercover

These days, vegetarians and vegans are everywhere, but unless you live in Southern California, raw vegans—those who eat foods in their natural state and avoid cooking anything above 116ºF—are harder to come by.

It’s no wonder. As a society conditioned to cook mostly everything we put in our mouth, the idea of trading our gas range for a dehydrator may seem daunting. But most who follow a raw diet say they live life with the utmost vigor and vitality and are even able to reverse the aging process!

The truth is, we can ALL benefit from incorporating more raw food into our diet—because it’s highly alkaline and oxygen rich, it promotes optimal health. In addition, cooking food zaps it of its nutrients, zaps valuable digestive enzymes, and zaps good bacteria (probiotics).

Here are a few ideas of how easy (and tasty!) it is to convert some of you old standby recipes into healthy raw dopplegangers.



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